Chocolate Mint Frosting Cream


Who likes the occasional sweet treat first thing in the morning?



Who enjoys chocolate before midday?



Who eats frosting for a healthy and balanced breakfast?

Definitely guilty.


I’m starting low-carb living again, a sort of ‘New Years resolution’ that won’t endure the entire year. That means fat, fat, and a smidgeon of protein to keep me full. But that also means cream cheese galore!

Santa ( 😉 ) got me different types of stevia this year, among other things (namely, “Simply Nigella”!). My new favourite is “Sweet Leaf”, a no-carb lifesaver. Sans fructose, sans calories, sans artificial additives: Fizzi-approved.


This recipe can be gluten-free, egg-free, low-carb, and nut-free.

Serves 1 

Preparation time: 10 minutes


– 1/2 Tablespoon coconut oil, melted

– 1/2 Tablespoon cocoa powder

– pinch stevia powder

– 40 grams cream cheese

– 3 Tablespoons cream

– extra stevia powder, to taste

– peppermint essence, to taste


1. Mix together the coconut oil, cocoa, and stevia in a small ramekin and transfer to a cute mould if you have one. Freeze.

2. Mix together the cream cheese, cream, stevia, and essence in your serving bowl. You’ll have to squish the lumps with a spoon or other utensil to obtain a smooth texture.

3. Garnish with the set chocolate (you can chop this up if you desire), and enjoy! 🙂


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