Chocolate Smoothie Pudding with Peanut Butter Cream


Don’t we all just love a bowl of blissfully, decadently dark chocolate mousse for breakfast? You don’t? Oh, dear. I’m afraid you’ve been missing out.


This pudding is icy-cold in its smoothness, rich enough for dessert yet totally healthy enough for the morning. The peanut butter cream – or yoghurt, really – adds extra protein, fat, and creaminess.


The lovely little green fruit, avocado, makes this fibre-filled and satisfying with its plethora of healthy fats. Psyllium adds more fibre, cocoa provides antioxidants, and nuts bring their share of minerals and vitamins.


This recipe can be gluten-free, low-carb, and egg-free.

Serves 1

Preparation time: 5 minutes (plus optional chilling)


– 1/2 avocado, preferably chilled

– 1/2 cup milk of choice

– 1/2 teaspoon psyllium husks

– 2 Tablespoons cocoa powder

– stevia or 1 teaspoon rice malt syrup (I omitted)

– pinch each of cinnamon, coffee powder, and salt (to flavour)

– splash vanilla essence

– 6 or so ice cubes

– 1 Tablespoon peanut butter (mine was crunchy)

– 2 Tablespoons unsweetened yoghurt

– chopped nuts, cinnamon, etc. (to sprinkle)


1. In a blender, whiz together all ingredients except peanut butter/ yoghurt/ toppings, until smooth. Pour into a bowl and pop in your freezer.

2. Meanwhile, mix together the peanut butter and yoghurt until creamy. Spoon onto the ‘mousse’, add toppings of choice, and freeze for another 15 minutes (if desired). Enjoy! 🙂


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