Easy Iced Coffee

You may not go for instant coffee. That’s just fine by me – but the beauty of it here is in no waiting for brewing or chilling. Just pour, shake, and drink!

If you do want the real deal, replace the 1/3 cup boiling water and coffee powder with a very strongly brewed coffee shot.

This recipe can be gluten-free, grain-free, egg-free, and nut-free.

Serves 1

Preparation time: 2 minutes


– 2 teaspoons coffee powder of choice (I like the Robert Harris Colombian blend)

– 1/3 cup boiling water

– stevia, to taste (I love the “Naturals” brand in tablet form)

– 1/2 cup full-fat milk

– 6 or so ice cubes


1. Dissolve the coffee powder and stevia with the boiling water in a medium-sized jar. Add the milk then ice, screw on the lid, and shake until frothy. Enjoy! 🙂

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