The Ultimate Snack Box


In just the palm of my hand, I can hold the secret to warding off hunger, packing in some protein and fat, and energising yourself with a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other health benefits!

Sometimes, thinking of a delicious and nutrient-loaded snack can be difficult. What else are there, you ask, but carby, processed, and ultimately unhealthful convenience foods? I tend to stay away from the white and refined rice crackers, bready sandwiches, pre-packed snacks and junky foods that are deemed as ‘healthy’. Instead, I opt for the well-known carrot sticks, cucumber, celery, a packaged salad, and something like this!

Sardines are full of protein, omega fatty acids, calcium (from their edible bones), and a incredibly cheap. Avocados are full of B-Vitamins, antioxidants, and healthy fats, as well as lutein for eye health. Cheese adds extra fat for fullness, protein, and calcium. To make it even better? Dress this up (as I did!) with some herbs, spices, nuts, seeds, and lemon juice. All you need now is a fork!


This tote-able snack may seem a bit too nutrient-dense, to those of you who watch their calories. Yes, I agree, this is absolutely overflowing with fats – but being on a low-fructose diet, I have control over how much I eat because the nasty little sugar isn’t interfering with my satiety signals. This gives me freedom with what – I stuff myself with as many vegetables as I can find, and enjoy calorie-rich food like this because I know I can. I won’t get fat – instead, I’ll get full!

This recipe can be gluten-free, grain-free, and nut-free.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Serves 1


– 1 tin sardines (100-125 grams)

– 1 small slice cheese of choice, crumbled/ chopped

– 1/4-1/3 an avocado, sliced

– lemon juice

– cracked/ ground pepper, basil, mixed herbs, chilli powder, etc.

– nuts and/ or seeds of choice (I used Brazil nuts, pumpkin/ sunflower/ sesame/ chia seeds)


1. Place the sardines in a small, sealable container, and top with the cheese and avocado. Sprinkle over lemon juice to cover the surfaces of the avocado (so it doesn’t go brown), then sprinkle on the pepper, herbs, chilli, and nuts/ seeds.

2. Pack into your bag (don’t forget a fork!), and enjoy later! 🙂

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